Sitemap enables you to view the site structure of ebs: ontrack Hub. The sitemap is organised in a hierarchical order using page contexts. For example, the section for the safeguarding context contains the pages for my at risk learners, safeguarding admin, and so on. You can use the site map to navigate to pages you have permissions to use.
The pages shown by default in the site map are defined by Tribal and cannot be changed. However, you can add custom pages to the site map by selecting Visible in Site Map in ontrack Designer. Note that pages can only be added to the sitemap if they meet the following criteria:
The page must be editable.
The page must not be an access denied page.
The page must not contain required parameters. For example, a learner code or course code.
The screen name must not end in _ContextLinks or _ReportLinks.
The screen must not be part of a contextual link. For example, primary and secondary navigation.
The table Default site map pages details the default pages shown in the site map.
Context | Page Name |
Concierge | Concierge |
Correspondence | Correspondence Manager |
General | Accessibility Statement |
Cookie Policy | |
Home Page | |
Privacy Policy | |
Report Viewer | |
Security Questions | |
ILP | General Documents |
ILP Admin | |
ILP Manager | |
ILP Tutor | |
Markbook | Markbook |
Markbook Verification | |
Reports | Reports Homepage |
Safeguarding | My At Risk Learners |
Safeguarding Admin | |
Safeguarding Tutor |